Autel MK900BT vs. MP900BT vs. MK906 PRO vs. MK908 PRO II

What’s different between Autel MK900BT, MP900BT, MK906 PRO and MK908 PRO II diagnostic tablet? Here we’ve compared them from the price, hardware configuration, software feature and extensions, hoping to help make a decision.


Comparison Table

Item Autel MaxiCOM MK900-BT Autel MaxiPRO MP900BT/ MP900Z-BT Autel MaxiCOM MK906 PRO Autel MaxiCOM MK908 PRO II
Price €619 €858 €980 €1,699
RAM+ROM 4G+64G 4G+64G 4G+128G 4G+128G
Battery 7700mAh 7700mAh 11600mAh 15000mAh
System Android 11 Android 11 Android 10 Android 10
Screen 8 inches, 1280*800 8 inches, 1280*800 8 inches, 1920*1200 10.1 inches, 1920*1200
Wi-Fi 2.4 & 5 GHz 2.4 & 5 GHz 2.4 & 5 GHz 2.4 & 5 GHz
Camera Rear 8M Rear 8M 16M+16M Rear 16M
HDMI × × HDMI 2.0 HDMI 2.0
VCI V150 V150 V200 Bluetooth box
Read & clear codes
Live data
Special function
Active test
Benz online programming × × ×
BMW online programming × × ×
Benz SCN online coding × × ×
Audi online coding × × ×
BMW, Porsche, VW online coding ×
BMW, VW, Audi, Skoda hidden feature ×
VW, Audi, Skoda, Seat, Man LD guidance ×
Bentley guidance × ×
McLaren, Tesla diagnosis × × ×
Auto VIN
Scan License
Remote desk
D-PDU/RP1210 × × ×
Pre& Post Scan
WiFi print
Endoscope(MV105S/ MV108S)
Battery test(BT506)
Report manage
Language Muti-language Muti-language Muti-language Muti-language
Upgrade 1 free year 1 free year 1 free year 1 free year
Renault gateway access



  1. Price

Autel MK900BT < MP900BT < MK906 PRO < MK908 PRO II

Among them, MK900BT is the cheapest while MK908 PRO II is most expensive.


  1. Hardware

Autel MK900BT = MP900BT < MK906 PRO < MK908 PRO II

MK900BT & MP900BT are coming with same hardware configuration.

MK908 PRO II is equipped with larger battery and screen size.


  1. Software

Autel MK900BT < MP900BT < MK906 PRO < MK908 PRO II

MK900BT only supports basic diagnosis while MK908 PRO II covers most features of others.


Especially only the MK908 PRO II can support Benz/BMW online programming, Benz SCN/Audi online coding, McLaren, Tesla diagnosis and D-PDU/RP1210 diagnostic standard.


  1. Expansibility

Autel MK900BT = MP900BT = MK906 PRO = MK908 PRO II

All can work with endoscope and battery tester.



So whichever diagnostic tool to choose, It depends on your budge and the diagnostic features you may need.


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