Autel KM100 Program 2017 FIAT 500 All Keys Lost Success

Today I’m doing a key for 2017 FIAT 500 all keys lost with Autel MaxiIM KM100 by OBD. A lot of people have asked me for the all key lost procedure, it’s the same process or you’ll just click on a different year.


IMMO >> Fiat >> Manual selection >> Europe >> 500 >> 2011 – 2017 Blade Key >> Yes >> Control unit >> Immobilizer >> Immobilizer(93C86_46) >> Immo function >> Make dealer key

Confirm immo data, press OK.

Place a blank 46 transponder or key in the Autel KM100 sensing area.

Generating dealer key…

The dealer key is successfully generated.


Click “Key learning”.

  1. All keys that can start the vehicle must be learned. Unlearned keys will be scrapped(cannot be relearned any more).
  2. New keys to be learned must be dealer keys.

Insert the key to be learned and turn the ignition on.

Please enter a 5-digit password: 11825

Learning successful!

Do you want to continue with the next key? No.

Switch ignition OFF.

Switch ignition On.


The number of current keys: 1

Learning function is finished.


The key can work.

Done, that’s simple and easy.



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